Multi-book Accounting

Automatically track both cash and accrual transactions simultaneously for complete financial visibility across the organization in real-time.

Greater efficiency without sacrificing accuracy

Running both GAAP- and cash-based financial statements is effortless with Multi-book Accounting. The simplicity of entering financial transactions once and having them created for both accrual- and cash-basis gives you the ability to quickly see a true picture of business performance while still closely monitoring money coming in and going out.

The multi-book advantage

There are many benefits to being able to view financials in both cash and accrual:

  • Automated tracking: Eliminate the need to record transactions in multiple places by having both accrual- and cash-based accounting tracked automatically in one system. 
  • Enhanced visibility: Gain deeper insights into performance by viewing financials from different perspectives—empowering informed decision-making and strategic planning. 
  • Expanded reporting flexibility: Generate comprehensive reports tailored to meet the specific needs of regulatory bodies, internal management, and investors by effortlessly switching between accrual and cash-based methods. 
  • Improved financial controls: Easily reconcile differences between management and statutory reports while maintaining a clear audit trail for financial oversight. 

How does Multi-book Accounting work?

Enter source documents once for automatic creation, tracking, and reporting on transactions in both cash- and accrual-basis accounting.

Supported accounting methods

Accounting Seed supports both cash- and accrual-basis accounting simultaneously—without any extra effort from you.

Cash vs accrual basis accounting

Whether it makes sense to track financial transactions under cash, accrual, or both depends on each business. In cash-basis accounting, income is generally recorded when customer payments are received, and expenses recorded when payments are made. While in accrual-basis accounting, income is generally recorded in the period in which it’s earned and expenses recorded in the period they are incurred—regardless of when payment is received or paid out.

Full spectrum financial reporting

The ability to automatically track in multiple accounting methods allows businesses to analyze financial performance from multiple perspectives all within Accounting Seed. It makes satisfying the different reporting requirements of both internal and external stakeholders easy thanks to enhanced visibility into both cash flow and overall business health.

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