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3 Behavioral Steps Towards Financial Visibility

Redefining how your team views and utilizes accounting data is instrumental in fully harnessing the collaborative potential of a CRM like Salesforce. But why? Because everything in business touches accounting. Therefore, having a 360-degree understanding of your financial health is essential for making the best business decisions throughout your organization. 

It’s time to stop looking at accounting as a siloed faction of the company. Instead, encourage your teams to look at accounting as any other tool they would use. Accounting software helps everyone do their job more effectively and easily, especially if it boosts collaboration. Overcoming the older attitudes, even fear, towards finances will be central in uniting your organization to achieve monetary goals. To this extent, visualizing and working together on how to interpret and use accounting details begins with financial visibility.     

3 Behavioral Steps Towards Financial Visibility

Instilling accountability and standard processes throughout your company goes a long way in helping your organization create a more visible accounting process. As you implement new technology, create a consistent system of steps that can be tracked. It’s also important that you define how each of your organization is contributing to the financial makeup of the business. This should involve developing metrics to analyze gains, losses, and return on investment. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Set Expectations: Working with your financial team, management, and other team members, establish a sequence for recording and assessing your finances. Make deadlines and assign tasks in a way that the most appropriate levels of your company can have the information available. It’s also important that your staff know how to navigate your accounting software. Remember, you get what you measure. Each area of the business should document and store data relevant to their role. This enables the system to allow the whole company to view information collectively and see what is influencing expense and revenue amounts.
  2. Validate: When the numbers are in, make sure that they are correct and the automation you’ve established is functioning. Set up peer reviews among your accounting team and have other groups such as sales and marketing double-check account details for accuracy. Reinforce accountability.
  3. Run Regular Reports Utilize the reporting features of your accounting system to generate comprehensive financial health. This is very useful for adjusting both short-term and long-term strategies for success, as well as managing various projects.


Invest in Collaborative Accounting Software 

One of the major changes a collaborative accounting software, like Accounting Seed, brings to your business is the ability for your team to approach finances more strategically. Instead of isolating finances by department, you have the power to visualize the numbers of the entire organization in one home. Teams can track key metrics and return-on-investment in real-time to collectively decide on how to use resources efficiently.

The financial visibility brought on by collaborative accounting software also makes financial management easier. Instead of struggling to find answers, you and key stakeholders can drill into whatever information you need from a single source. Team collaboration helps eliminate data errors and reinforces good practices. Visualizing your financial health lets your team remain on target while avoiding pitfalls to keep your business on track.

See Accounting Seed in action

Get a close-up view of how accounting on Salesforce can eliminate the need for costly integrations—and silos of mismatched information—by sharing the same database as your CRM.

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