April 13, 2021 (Columbia, Md.) – Tony Zorc, Founder, and CEO of the first accounting platform, Accounting Seed, releases a new book on Amazon, Iconoclasm: A Survival Guide in the Post-Pandemic Economy, with ForbesBooks. Zorc shares his method for surviving and thriving in our new world from both a business and personal perspective.
This method is the Iconoclast Formula – Challenge, Design, Execute – a strategy set to inspire others to challenge the norm, design a better way, and execute a plan for the betterment of themselves and society. In fact, it was this method that inspired the creation of Accounting Seed, which now has over 15,000 users worldwide and remains a top-rated application on Salesforce.
“The Iconoclast Formula is about moving forward and thinking critically on how we can make our current situations better in a way that hasn’t been done before,” said Zorc. “The formula is meant to give society a blueprint for making change where it really matters. It’s how I brought needed change to the world of accounting, and it’s what I hope to inspire us to do for our collective society now.”
The main premise in Zorc’s book is the idea of harnessing opportunity in difficulty. Rather than sitting in fear, disappointment, or worry, Zorc believes there is good that can come from a painful time if we think like an iconoclast.
“As we navigate a future that may seem bleak, we must recognize the opportunities in front of us — opportunities that iconoclasts are poised to see and take advantage of,” said Zorc. “The only way we recover is if we recognize and 100% believe a new way of living is upon us.”
To learn more about Zorc’s book and formula for the pandemic recovery, visit Tony’s website or contact Shannon Cochran at 443.825.0646, scochran@tonyzorc.com.
About Tony Zorc
As Founder and CEO of Accounting Seed, tech entrepreneur, ForbesBooks author, and CPA for 20+ years, Tony Zorc embodies iconoclasm, the idea of challenging the prescribed way of doing things and coming up with a better, more innovative solution. Accounting Seed’s success with over 15,000 users stems from Tony’s vision for using technology to create better business in a way that’s never been done before. A father, leader, person of faith, and avid CrossFitter, Tony brings a rare mix of personal and professional experience to the table and seeks to inspire other leaders to create innovation in places where innovation is scarce. Learn more about Tony’s journey and read his resources for leaders at www.tonyzorc.com.
About Iconoclasm
Written by Tony Zorc, founder, and CEO of Accounting Seed, thought leader, and financial expert for 20+ years, Iconoclasm: A Survival Guide in the Post-Pandemic Economy pushes the envelope to encourage the global community to form their own opinions through critical thinking. Zorc outlines the strategies and insights of iconoclasm and how to not only survive but thrive in the post-pandemic economy. This book is not about pointing fingers and laying blame. It is about considering how to achieve success in a new way going forward. Given the state of our world, a true iconoclast would say, “It’s time to adapt for the new era.” Learn more at www.tonyzorc.com/author.
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