Accounting Seed Copilot
Everything you need to be successful with Accounting Seed can be found using Accounting Seed Copilot—your in-app AI assistant.
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Everything you need to be successful with Accounting Seed can be found using Accounting Seed Copilot—your in-app AI assistant.
Whether you’re new to Accounting Seed or a seasoned user, getting the most value from your solution is easy with the in-app assistant, Copilot.
When you need to know how to do something in Accounting Seed, just ask Copilot. The AI capabilities in Copilot, not only streamline your everyday activities by offering answers to questions, task lists, and even walk-throughs, it surfaces the information you need. Helping you move from novice to expert without ever leaving the Accounting Seed platform!
Copilot is accessible through out Accounting Seed—just look in the lower right corner of the page.
Copilot gives you an easy-to-use search bar as well as serving up suggestions based on your location within Accounting Seed.
Copilot analyzes multiple sources—including our knowledge base—to provide you with accurate help immediately. From technical articles to step-by-step instructions to brief summaries of how to complete actions, Copilot has you covered.
Get help with tasks such as:
And it’s all available real-time right in Accounting Seed so you can get the assistance you need exactly when and where you need it!
With the availability of Copilot providing real-time learning in-app, Accounting Seed University (ASU) will become home to our partner certification program.
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